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Bill Maher: Republican Party Is Dumping Their Patriotic Brand

Comedian and late-night host Bill Maher went after Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson and the Republican party for dumping their patriotic “brand” when it comes to incidents such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Capitol insurrection.

During Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” he starts his monologue by stating the Republican party prides itself on loving America citing phrases such as “America first. Love it or leave it” and going on to say that now one of the marquee anchors on the conservative side is “reciting” talking points for Russia. 

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“Oh, and patriotism. They always wanted you to know they loved America more than you, America first. Love it or leave it flag pin in the lapel. Thank you for your service, America,” Maher said. 

“But now Tucker Carlson is literally reciting Russian talking points, becoming so valuable to the Kremlin that they put out a memo asking their propaganda outlets to replay as much of Tucker Carlson as possible. In Russia!”

Maher went on to say that the Republican party can’t pride itself on loving America more when following the January 6th insurrection, Republican lawmakers in congress objected to the “certification of an election they knew was legitimate.”

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“OK, you can’t be the super-patriots who love America and also run on a platform of let’s ignore the vote. You can’t represent a form of government you yourself don’t believe in,” Maher said.

“If you do, then you have to get another name, like maybe the Trump Party. He’s pretty modest about putting his name on things, but maybe he’ll license it just this once.”

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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