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Rick Sanchez: My Online Presence Has Been Hijacked by a Cartoon

Former CNN host Rick Sanchez spoke about a cartoon character he believes he helped create during his time with the Turner-founded news channel. 

On his “Rick Sanchez News” show, Sanchez states his likeness inspired the cartoon Rick Sanchez on the highly popular Adult Swim show “Rick and Morty.” 

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He says that although his name is common among Hispanics, the podcast host shared a clip of Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty Creator) riffing on his character for a new animated series for Adult Swim, which is also under the Turner umbrella. 

While Sanchez admits it’s a pretty cool homage, he says it’s been tough to compete against the animated character on Google search engine rankings, especially after CNN let him go and he tried to parlay his name into an online precence is now behind a cartoon character.

“My online presence didn’t exist. You see, Rick Sanchez, the person, had been replaced by Rick Sanchez the cartoon,” Sanchez said. 

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“It sounds weird, right? That Turner Broadcasting would fire me and then give or allow my name to be placed on a cartoon character on one of their shows. I guess it’s kinda cool and maybe flattering—but most of all—really frustrating. My name was kinda hi-jacked.”

Furthermore, Sanchez says it’s the reason why he has to put “News” in his podcast title to help distinguish it from the cartoon character that he now shares a name.

“So now, when I say my name, or I hand people my credit card or try to book a flight. I get this—really, Rick Sanchez. Then I wait, and often what I hear is – wow, just like the cartoon character – yes, just like the cartoon character,” 

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“And that is why we can’t call this podcast Rick Sanchez. We have to call it Rick Sanchez News. Because Rick Sanchez doesn’t belong to me anymore—even it was my brand name, and I had it first.”

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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