Sunday, September 22, 2024
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CNN’s Harry Enten: Inflation Is Eating the Joe Biden Presidency Alive

President Joe Biden and his administration are taking some heat from the media over the last couple of months due to the rise in gas prices to inflation. 

During a segment on CNN’s “AC360,” the network’s data analyst spoke about Biden’s approval rating. Harry Enten stated Biden is being savaged by record inflation and reported his recent disapproval rating is higher than previous presidents. 

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“A year ago, no one was saying inflation was a concern outside of [economist Larry Summers],” Enten said, per Mediaite

“Now, it is a clear number one issue, and we see this clear correlation as more people are concerned about inflation, Joe Biden’s disapproval rating climbs ever higher.”

Furthermore, Enten says inflation is eating the administration’s approval rating alive to put a graphic picture into the viewer’s mind. 

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“Yeah, so we can look at both Joe Biden’s disapproval rating on inflation and Joe Biden’s disapproval rating overall, and what we see is his disapproval rating on inflation is topping 70%. His disapproval rating overall is still in the 50s,” Enten said. 

“But, if you compare that to every single other president at this point in their first term throughout polling history, this goes all the way back since the 1940s; he is the worst on both. The reason he is worst overall is because inflation is eating his presidency alive at this point.”

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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