Sunday, December 1, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
BSM Summit 2025

Remind Your Clients What You Do For Them

One of the most significant advantages you have over the competition is YOU. Clients are increasingly getting pushed down the do-it-yourself path by Google, Facebook, and even iHeart AdBuilder.

While working with a Google Ad Strategist may be suitable for some, most SMB clients are stuck with a telemarketer from Google who sometimes will push ‘optimizations’ and other sales incentives on clients to up the spend level. And get stuck with a contact page for a Google rep. Or, the client handles it all themselves and hopes it all works out because they feel like they are doing the right thing.

Let’s not forget to remind our clients of our value as advertising consultants. And, if we have forgotten our total worth to clients, maybe by reviewing this list, you can refresh your energy to provide this service level. Or take the proper credit for what you already do. We are more than just a sports radio spot salesperson! Here are the other roles we play for our client:

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Accountability Coach. Many clients rely on our regular meetings to share their thoughts on advertising. We hold them accountable to be timely with their offers and keep up with how to drive new customers. Set a schedule with your client about when you will be meeting and what will be covered. This will add value to the relationship. If it’s an old relationship without this schedule, make one and see if they are open to it. 

Creative Assistant. Two heads are better than one when coming up with what to say in advertising. I am willing to bet your best clients let you handle the creative process and “just do whatever you think is right.” We can also bring them new ideas they don’t have to come up with independently. When your client feels the guilt of not coming up with a plan for Christmas or they have a half-baked idea, they can bounce it off you when you see them.  

Research Expert. How often do we provide radio ratings, RAB industry profiles, or trade industry ideas specific to your client’s needs? How about the local news and information you pick up firsthand from your sources that can benefit your client? When you are seen as the person in the know about “what’s going on,” why wouldn’t they enjoy taking a regular meeting with you?

Entertainment Services. We bring gifts, tickets, and fun promotional ideas for them to receive or participate in. We also have the latest inside story on their favorite personality or team. Even if we are more serious or analytical, we can deliver more entertainment to our clients than any other vendor. How many times have YOU been asked to give tickets to a client?   

Radio Scheduling Pro. When more than an M-S 6 am-12 mid-schedule is called for, you are just the person to handle the job! We know the custom dayparts, big weekends to advertise, and how many spots we need to get results. You have more training on how to make radio advertising work than your clients. You are the expert. 

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Let’s take credit for what we do for our clients and remind them we are one of the advantages of doing business with us! 

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Jeff Caves
Jeff Caves
Jeff Caves is a sales columnist for BSM working in radio and digital sales for Cumulus Media in Dallas, Texas and Boise, Idaho. He is credited with helping launch, build, and develop Sports Radio The Ticket in Boise, into the market’s top sports radio station. During his 26 year stay at KTIK, Caves hosted drive time, programmed the station, and excelled as a top seller. You can reach him by email at or find him on LinkedIn.

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