Access to Advertising Data Has Never Been Better


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Now is the time for us to find ways to expand on how we prove the effectiveness of our ad campaigns. Advertisers are in part turning to digital advertising for the ability to track their results using various metrics. Some radio groups already have found new ways to prove their worth and the timing couldn’t be better as the digital game is changing. 

One example is Audacy, which uses AI technology to provide better attribution data for advertisers. By tracking broadcast ad exposure and website traffic through Veritone Attribute, Audacy can analyze the results and deliver them to advertisers to show where the results come from by creative, daypart, day of the week, and station. This technology was discussed in a podcast I did with Paul Cramer of Veritone, which is worth checking out to learn more.

Also, iHeart studied 300 auto dealer campaigns over 17 months to prove that radio advertising can lift car dealers’ web traffic. This LeadsRx study is a powerful tool that we can use to convince hesitant auto advertisers of the value of radio advertising.

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In addition, suggest that advertisers use surveys to gather listener feedback, track website traffic and sales data to see if there is a correlation with a schedule and monitor website visits and sales during and after a radio campaign. By providing advertisers with audience demographics and listener behavior data, we show campaign value and build stronger relationships with our local advertisers.

As the industry continues to evolve, it is worth noting that your station’s relationship with listeners will become increasingly valuable to advertisers. With third-party cookies being phased out by Google by late 2024, digital advertisers will have to find new ways to target their audiences. You can provide a valuable alternative by leveraging your relationship with listeners to offer targeted advertising opportunities. 

Remind advertisers that Edison Research found that radio ads are the most trusted form of advertising, with 61% of listeners stating they trust radio ads, compared to only 25% for online pop-up ads. There will be increased attention on pop-ups, cookies, and web users feeling violated soon. We build trust with listeners and will have further opportunities to impact consumer behavior significantly. 

While tracking the effectiveness of radio ads may present some challenges, there are many ways to prove value to advertisers. By using new technologies, leveraging existing data, and highlighting success stories, we can build stronger relationships with advertisers and demonstrate the value of radio advertising as a highly effective investment.

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