Pierre Bouvard, Lee Harris, Dead Horse Branding’s Rick and Melissa Caballo Join The 2023 BNM Summit Lineup


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In 34 days, years of conversations, and months of planning and promotion get replaced by presentation and execution. That’s how I prefer it. I’m at my best when I’m on stage sharing my knowledge and passion, having conversations, examining issues, and highlighting others who have insight and ideas to share with a room full of professionals.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again for those who missed it, a Barrett Media Summit is the two-day equivalent of a media business masterclass. This isn’t a political convention, it’s a conference designed to bring brands and individuals together to explore ways to grow ratings, revenue, and relevance. If you attend the show and don’t leave with ideas, information, and inspiration then you’ve likely not been in the room or paid attention.

Though I know relationship building and networking is important, I run conferences to help people and the brands they represent. I know most programmers, hosts, market managers, sellers, agents, digital pros, and affiliate reps live in offices and follow the playbook given to them by their employer. For most, finding new ideas and information comes from talking to industry friends or reading things online. There is nothing wrong with that. But when you share space with other successful, creative people who you’re not around often, and explore ways to grow your business, it’s just better and more beneficial.

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There are numerous reasons to be in Nashville for the BNM Summit next month, and I want to share a few before I tell you about the latest four additions to our show.

First, most people know who Clay Travis is. He’s a highly accomplished national host who has played a key role in the growth of Outkick. How many people do you know that could create a national brand and have podcasting, social, website, and video success the way OK has in recent years? When someone builds a digital powerhouse, and sells it for a large sum to a company like Fox, you’re crazy to not pick their brain on their success. Digital is vital to the media business, but some brands aren’t positioned properly to excel in the space. Clay has done that, and shown that he has a great mind and huge passion for the business, and I’m eager to chat with him about the rise of Outkick and his own career on Day 1.

Secondly, programmers are trusted across this country to grow brands, manage talent and content, create events that excite an audience, and help sales teams generate revenue. But how many do the job exceptionally well? What specifically do they do that has worked? What have they done that hasn’t? How do they manage misinformation, local tragedies, the rise of AI, social media uncertainty, balancing Trump vs. Biden talk vs. local and national issues, and where do they go to find talent to move the format forward? Those are questions leaders should be asked, and the good ones always come ready with great answers. We’ll cover some of those issues with elite leaders Phil Boyce, Ken Charles, Drew Anderssen, Craig Schwalb, Dan Mandis, Steve Moore, Pete Mundo, McGraw Milhaven, Andy Bloom, Greg Moceri, Mike McVay, and former PD turned GM Tim Wenger.

Third, do you know how news/talk audience habits are changing? Do you understand what goes into writing and producing imaging that works vs. creating vague messaging that extend breaks and cause quicker tune out? How do you evaluate the interviews conducted by your talent on the air, and if you’re a host, do you ask good, timely questions or are you being bailed out by great guests? What about developing digital strategies that produce results in audio, video, social, and online? Think that might be important after seeing how car companies view the future of the AM band? This is why Larry Rosin, Jim Cutler, Ginny Morris, Julie Talbott, Tim Clarke, Jeremy Sinon, and Tim Clarke are in the room, and why I will be leading a session on The Art of Interviewing following the John Sawatsky methods previously taught at ESPN .

That brings me to today’s announcement, and four professionals I’m excited to add to our lineup.

For those who prioritize the revenue side of radio over content, you need to be in the room when Pierre Bouvard takes the stage on Day 2. If you read Pierre’s blog for Westwood One like I do then you’re well aware of how connected and informed he is in the advertising space. It’s no secret that 2023 hasn’t been a juggernaut for the media business, so being prepared for 2024 is vital. Is there anything a local news/talk brand can do to improve its position with media buyers? What works against stations and brand leaders that they need to be aware of? Pierre will share some knowledge with the room that will definitely make you think. I’d love to see some decision makers and sellers in the room for this session because anyone involved with generating revenue for a news/talk brand will benefit from it.

Next up is a man who graced the airwaves in New York City for decades on 1010 WINS, and now serves as the Director of Integrated Operations for NewsNation. Lee Harris will make the trip to Nashville to help lead one of our programming panels on Day 1. Currently charged with overseeing the development and distribution of NewsNation’s audio content, Lee has a great understanding of serving local communities, guiding conversations, and analyzing what is and isn’t working. I’m looking forward to having him moderate one of our PD discussions.

Last but certainly not least is a session that I think brand leaders will really enjoy. Mel and Rick Caballo are Nashville based and run Dead Horse Branding, a firm that specializes in brand consulting and management, business development, logo and graphic design, social media management, marketing, video production, and more. Their DH7 branding model is utilized by many high-profile clients, and has been taught at Kennesaw State University, and Middle Tennessee State University. Their energy is infectious, their passion for the industry is strong, and their Australian accents are awesome. I can’t wait to introduce them to attendees on Day 2. Their insights on branding will be a definite hit.

As of today, we have announced 32 people to participate on stage at the 2023 BNM Summit. The goal is to announce a few more speakers between now and August 25th, and release the full schedule of sessions, and finalize all sponsorships on Monday August 28th. I want to thank Bonneville International and Good Karma Brands for being the latest two companies to offer their support of our show. For those looking to get involved, email Stephanie Eads at Sales@BarrettNewsMedia.com. She will let you know what we still have available.

One thing we are adding as a last minute addition, which will be available to one sponsor is a BNM Summit Social. This will take place after our first day of sessions. Attendees will have an opportunity to gather at P.F. Changs from 5:30p-6:30p, and enjoy free drinks courtesy of BNM. The restaurant is located at 2525 W End, Nashville, TN, a 4-minute walk from the conference.

I’ve wanted to create this event for years because I believe the news/talk media industry needs it. This is an important format, and it is my hope that media professionals across the country make time to join us. It’s easy to use budget as an excuse for not making a trip but a flight, hotel room, and ticket to this event cost some less than a thousand dollars combined. We have put together a comprehensive two-day agenda, and priced this show lower than others for a reason. We’re invested in bringing news/talk professionals together, and helping to move the format forward. Your job is easier, show up, laugh, learn, and connect.

Benjamin Franklin once said “an investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” and I believe that to be true. With our industry facing stiffer competition, and revenue performance consistently challenged, the path forward requires more education, ideas, and stronger relationships. You don’t gain those by staying in your office. You do it by investing in yourself and your brand . We are going to deliver an excellent show next month. I hope you’ll be there to see it for yourself.

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