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Ben Shapiro: Tucker Carlson Is Downplaying Atrocities in Israel

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro is calling out Tucker Carlson for what he believes is the former Fox News host “downplaying” the terrorist attack in Israel that claimed hundreds of civilian lives over the weekend.

On Monday, Carlson acknowledged that the kidnapping, rape, and murder of Jews comprised a “crime” before shifting the topic about 25 seconds into a video he released on X. As a result, Shapiro accuses Carlson of being guilty of “moral stupidity.” 

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“He did an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, and he likened what just happened in Israel, the kidnapping of women and their rape,” Shapiro said on Wednesday. “I mean, he’s showing a video of this happening like as he’s talking about this. He compared that to drug overdose deaths in the United States. 

“Now, I believe we should fully care about the 100,000 drug overdose deaths that happen in the United States — these are two completely different issues. To go this far afield, to link the issues, the only reason you’re doing this is because you wish to downplay the atrocity that just happened in Israel.”

Shapiro continued as he sarcastically remarked that Tucker Carlson sounded “very outraged” on behalf of Israel after playing a clip from the host’s show. 

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“First of all, people are on bullhorns yelling about drug overdoses and the open border all the time,” Shapiro added. “All the time. What is he even talking about? What he’s attempting to do is minimize what happened in Israel.”

“He’s not attempting to maximize what happened in the United States. He’s attempting to minimize, as though America can’t walk and chew gum, morally speaking, at the same time, which is absurd.”

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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