Tony Katz: Don Lemon Purposely Sabotaged Deal With Elon Musk


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Don Lemon remains the talk of the news media world after revealing his deal with X for a program was canceled by Elon Musk after their on-camera interview. Tony Katz believes the conversation was a setup.

While discussing the move on Tony Katz + The Morning News on 93 WIBC, the Indianapolis host argued if you thought Lemon learned from his CNN firing, think again.

“He really believed that he was touched with the secret knowledge and you needed to be instructed,” Katz said of Lemon’s attitude during his time with the cable news giant. “He’s impossible to deal with on the morning show, because of course, he believes himself to be the most important person out there. And then he gets fired. It seems that the firing would be a little bit humbling.

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“But in this first episode, Don Lemon was so aggressively nasty. He hasn’t changed at all! He’s pompous and maniacal.”

Katz continued by sharing his belief that Lemon intentionally pressed Musk to the point of cancellation so he could return to his “victim” status.

“He has learned nothing. And I am here to tell you that to me. It seems obvious that Don Lemon wanted to burn it all down. That this was an act of self-sabotage. Having lived through some of this in my life, this is a guy who doesn’t want it, but just wants to complain that he doesn’t have it,” he said, before comparing Lemon to another high-profile figure. “Don Lemon is the Colin Kaepernick of today.”

The comments from Katz on his radio show echo those he shared on social media late Wednesday evening after the news of Lemon’s cancelation became public.

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  1. Well, Katz would certainly be equipped to recognize the market value of perpetually playing victim. A large amount of conservative talk is based on the same model, with the oppressor changing every week. First it was the Clintons, then “socialist” Barack Obama, and throughout the years, it’s been feminists, the LGBT community, a trampling herd of RINOS, the FBI, Mark Zuckerberg, and on and on. And of course, when they lose an election, it couldn’t possibly be because of their positions or candidates. Has to be “voter fraud.”

    If they truly cared, they’d run better candidates or moderate their positions in places where it would win votes. Because generally, “free market” types adjust when their product isn’t wanted by the consumer (voter.) But that wouldn’t allow Katz and his herds of clones to position themselves as oppressed victims just standing up for the “common man.”

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