Calling matches for WWE is one of the more unique occupations in media, let alone sports media. Luckily for them, Joe Tessitore is one of the more unique play-by-play voices.
On Tuesday, it was announced that Tessitore will become a play-by-play voice for the wrestling promotion, being paired with Wade Barrett and Corey Graves. If you ask me, WWE couldn’t have found a better choice.
Some sports require a certain level of energy to match the action. For instance, the energy level of an NFL game caller wouldn’t work during an NHL game. Or the cadence of an MLB radio voice sure would sound out of place on an NBA TV broadcast.
And if there’s one thing Joe Tessitore brings to a broadcast, it’s unbridled energy. And that’s required of WWE play-by-play voices.
The greatest to ever do it — Jim Ross — exuded confidence, knowledge, energy, and passion. Now, I can’t speak to Tessitore’s knowledge and passion for sports entertainment, but I can say that his handle of what is and isn’t good play-by-play is top-notch, and fits perfectly for what the WWE needs in a match-caller.
Most might know him from his, frankly, failed stint as the voice of Monday Night Football. That was never going to be an avenue Tessitore found success in. He’s strengths simply aren’t suited to that style of broadcast.
But where he has excelled has been college football and boxing. While they might seem like polar opposites, I think there’s more similarities than you might think.
Boxing action moves quickly. It requires quick thinking, a “always been on the balls of your feet” mentality, and having the ability to react instantaneously is a must.
In college football, storytelling is paramount. If you can’t tell a great story while keeping the viewer entertained and enthralled in the action, you’re not going to be viewed as one of the greats.
When you think about what qualities WWE might need in a lead announcer, what steps to the forefront? Energy, storytelling, and a quick reaction time.
All are qualities Joe Tessitore possesses.
While I, admittedly, don’t spend much time thinking about who would make a great fit for the WWE announcers table, but kudos to Lee Fitting — who is undoubtedly familiar with Tessitore’s work from their time together at ESPN — and the rest of the WWE universe for being willing to give one of their premiere jobs to a relative newcomer to the space.
While the past few people tabbed for the spot haven’t exactly worked out, I feel confident in believing that WWE made a home run by linking up with Joe Tessitore. I look forward to listening and seeing his ringside work in the near future.
Also, a tip of the hat to ESPN for being alright with the arrangement. Tessitore getting reps and more notoriety on a national stage only helps them. To be able to see that, especially at a time when so many are territorial about their talent, is a breath of fresh air.
For nearly two years straight, I’ve had the opportunity to write about things in the sports media space that interested me, fascinated me, and made me question my beliefs of this industry. It’s been an absolute pleasure to hear from so many folks in both sports radio and sports television about what I’ve written in this space, what I’ve gotten right, what I’ve gotten wrong, and things I had never thought of before. I’ve truly enjoyed the opportunity to write about an industry that I’m passionate about.
As Barrett Media consolidates its brands under one umbrella next week, I’ll be shifting the focus of my weekly opinion pieces to the news media industry. It’s another avenue that I’ve grown passionate about, and look forward to challenging the status quo, making hosts, programmers, and executives ponder difficult questions, and being a voice for an industry that many have written off time and time again.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank so many sports media professionals for their kind words — and sometimes not-so-kind words — about what I’ve written in this space. I look forward to further the conversation on the news media side.

Garrett Searight is Barrett Media’s News Editor, which includes writing bi-weekly industry features and a weekly column. He has previously served as Program Director and Afternoon Co-Host on 93.1 The Fan in Lima, OH, and is the radio play-by-play voice of Northern Michigan University hockey. Reach out to him at