#53 Richmond
Urban WKJS continues to post double digits.
Hip Hop WBTJ hangs on to second 5.7-6.4
Country WKHK grows 4.5-5.7
#57 Greenville/Spartanburg
Urban WJMZ 8.0-7.4
Country WSSL 6.6-7.2
WESC remains one of the strongest Classic Country despite a 7.4-6.5 drop.
#59 Buffalo
Townsquare grabs the top two spots
Country WYRK 10.1-9.0
Urban WBLK remains in second despite a 9.4-8.6 drop.
Classic Hits WHTT flat 6.4-6.4
#60 Rochester, NY
Another market where Urban leads with WDKX 8.4-8.2
Classic Rock WCMF second and flat 6.8-6.8
Country WBEE 6.6-6.7
#61 Birmingham
Summit Media continues to dominate the market, holding down the top three spots.
Urban WBHK leads 10.3-10.2
Hip Hop WBHJ 7.3-7.2
Classic Rock WBPT 6.6-6.5
You can dive deeper into each market on Barrett Media’s ratings page. Powered by Harker Bos Group
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