Sales Meeting: The Relationship Between Salesperson and Sales Manager

If you are a salesperson struggling and looking for answers, think about how honest you have been with your manager. Have you asked for help?

Sales Meeting: For Media Sellers it is Far From the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Welcome to our first sales meeting of December. Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving holiday and re-entry back into the real world on Monday...

Sales Meeting: So, You Want to Be a Sales Manager?

Barrett Media produces daily content on the music, news, and sports media industries. To stay updated, sign up for our newsletters and get the latest information...

Sales Meeting: Never Give Your Clients a Reason Not to Trust You

Sales meeting time! Hope your week is off to a great start. Normally we talk in our meetings about what to do in certain...

Sales Meeting: How Radio Advertising Salespeople Should Work with Ad Agencies

I had a lot of feedback from the part of last week's sales meeting which talked about ad agencies. So, I want to cover...


Barrett Media Member of the Week