Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Content Grab Bag: Who Does Nick Kayal Want To Talk To?

Good hosts and shows aren’t struggling for content right now, but who knows how long it will be before we get live sports again? Sure, the NFL Draft is coming up, but do you know what you’re going to do once the stories generated by that event have run their course? Hell, we’ll have been without sports for nearly a month and a half at that point.

We’re all in this together, right? That’s why Barrett Sports Media is creating a content grab bag and we’re asking everyone to pitch in.

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Got an idea that can help someone else? Do you have a perfect bit in mind, but maybe your situation has changed and now you have nowhere to pull it off? Don’t let it go to waste! If you want to contribute, reach out to Demetri Ravanos on Twitter.

The latest contribution comes from Nick Kayal, the former morning man at 102.5 the Game in Nashville. He isn’t sharing a new, groundbreaking bit today. Nick is making sure you’re thinking about all the different avenues you can go down for interviews now that there is nothing pressing that has to be talked about.

Nick Kayal's 2018 College Football Predictions | The Game Nashville

It is April 17, 2020 and sports talk radio hosts around the country don’t have the option to “stick to sports.” As the sports world has come to a screeching halt, due to Covid-19, sports talk radio personalities are forced to provide compelling content almost any way they can.

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Sure, you can still talk NFL. You can give your takes on the upcoming NFL Draft, talk about prospects, positions of need or read countless mock drafts, but that only fills your show with so much content. 

Now, more than ever, sports hosts are not only delving into entertainment to get through a program, but they are talking about social and political issues that stem from the Corona virus and the impact it is having globally.

Life and death, medical supplies, the stock market, and small businesses. Everything seems to be on the table and fair game during this global pandemic. 

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But what if you could talk sports with non-sports people? Or what if you could talk politics and social issues with sports people? Specifically, what if I told you that you had your choice of selecting 3 figures from the sporting world, and you could gather together (6-feet apart, of course) and talk about the implications of Covid-19 on the world as we know it but not address the sports impact? Who would you find to be the most compelling and engaging speakers? And how about sitting down with 3 non-sports figures and talking nothing but sports? Who would you choose? 

I’ll start the conversation for Barrett Sports Media and let you guys & gals react off of my list and create your own as well. 

3-sports figures to talk non-sports with

1. Charles Barkley

I find Chuck to be one of the most authentic, raw and real sports figures of all-time. Forget his playing days, I’m speaking specifically on his ability to talk about anything in life. Sir Charles, at times, couldn’t care less about talking hoops, but is never shy or short of an opinion on things going on with society.

Charles Barkley self-quarantining while awaiting coronavirus test ...

Barkley would be a fantastic guy to sit down with and talk about race relations, politics, finances and almost anything else. You may not agree with him, you may think he’s uneducated on certain topics and just shoots from the hip but that’s what would make it so interesting. Charles is easily number 1 on my list.

2. Nick Saban

I think Saban would be compelling from the standpoint of how things materalize and go from it’s infancy to the best of the best. It’s what he calls “The Process.” Nick Saban has always been a guy who takes on a challenge, elevates a team, and then moves on to another task (for the most part.) He did it at Michigan State, LSU and now Alabama.

Alabama's Nick Saban 'going back to the well' with latest coaching ...

I’d love to pick his brain on how he would go about handling different life issues. Not necessarily the specifics, even though he’s uber-detail oriented, but how the the process would play out. Where do you begin? How do you get the end result you’re seeking? How do you stay in the moment? I’m pretty sure Saban could give you a blueprint on how to create a gameplan for almost any avenue of life.

3. Clay Travis

I think the thing that seperates Clay from the rest of the national sports talkers is his ability to talk about politics, business and media and be bold without having to yell and scream and be brash by going overboard. Clay uses his legal background, logic and data to draw conclusions that ruffle peoples feathers but reamins authentic and entertainting in his presentation.

Clay Travis | Fox Sports PressPass

To be honest, when I think of Clay I think of his battle vs ESPN, his opinions on the POTUS, Kaepernick and gambling more than I do anything sports specific related. And that’s not a shot at him, that’s a compliment. He could clearly branch away from sports someday and go full steam ahead in news or political talk and be just as successful. It’s these reasons listed above as to why he’s on my list of 3. 

3-non sports figures to talk sports with

1. Donald Trump

I’m not here to judge the President on his political career, nor am I here to discuss his personal life. Here is what I know about Donald Trump: he loves sports, he loves to play golf and he’s been involved with casinos and gambling. Those 3 are right up my alley.

Donald Trump's Campaign Sues Local TV Station Over Super PAC's ...

POTUS is very opinionated and love him or hate him he will tell you what’s on his mind whether or not you agree with what comes out of his mouth or if what is coming out of his mouth is factually incorrect. He would make a great sports talk radio host because he would illict reaction. Easily a guy I’d love to spend 30-minutes with doing a show on sports talk topics. 

2. The Rock

The Rock is certainly a sports figure and entertainer but he’s so much more. He has become a global brand and Hollywood’s top earner. The Rock started out as a football player (fun fact: He lost his starting job on the University of Miami’s defensive line to Warren Sapp!), who transitioned to WWE(F) and has now gone full-steam ahead as a movie star. In recent years he’s even shown up on a list of odds to one day run for President.

Dwayne Johnson

Talking sports with Dwayne Johnson would absolutely be a compelling conversation. And he’d probably lay the smack down on a lot of people and their awful sports takes. 

3. Larry David

He’s one of the funniest guys of all-time, and a man who has had enough of the failing New York professional sports franchises. Recently, on the Michael Kay Show he brought up a story on how he tried to tell then-Jets GM Mike Maccagnan to draft Lamar Jackson. Maccagnan apparently laughed at Larry, but who’s laughing now? Lamar Jackson and the Ravens.

Larry David | Biography, TV Shows, & Facts | Britannica

From everything I’ve gathered, Larry is more than a comedic genius, he’s pretty bright about the NYC sports teams he follows so closely.

Those are my two three-somes. What are yours? Let’s keep the conversation going! 

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