Monday, September 16, 2024
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Sports Media Embraces PETA Idea To Call Bullpen ‘Arm Barn’

People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an organization that is never shy about courting a little cheap heat. Whenever there is a chance to stir up a phony controversy and get people in the media talking about it, PETA will take advantage.

Discussions of morality around the World Series have largely dealt with the Atlanta Braves and their fans doing the tomahawk chop celebration and chant. That isn’t what PETA is jumping on.

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Instead, the organization put out a press release on Thursday urging anyone associated with baseball to stop saying the word “bullpen” because, as the release notes, the term “references the holding area where terrified bulls are kept before slaughter, in favor of a more modern, animal-friendly term.”

Now, the suggestion may have been made with tongue planted firmly in cheek, but PETA wants the bullpen to instead be called the “arm barn.” If the idea was to create conversation, it worked.

Media members, players, and even some baseball teams agree that “arm barn” is a much better name.

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It seems unlikely that “arm barn” will ever become the official name of the area where relief pitchers warm up. Still, it seems like there are plenty that will adopt the nickname and it may even show up on some broadcasts.

Whether you like PETA or not, you have to admit, the organization’s idea for a rebranding is much better than Mark Zuckerberg’s.

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  1. Seriously? This is the dumbest idea ever. Leave “bullpen” alone and stop cowtowing to these activist wackos…

  2. Clearly some in the sports media have just drank the peta kool-aid. What a grade A dump idea! How many sports actually associate the baseball phrase ‘bullpen’ with what Peta is trying to sell? None!

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