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Spelling Out Thanksgiving For Sellers: 2021 Edition

12 NEW ways to make Thanksgiving more than a meal  

T andem sell more. Have you noticed that sales are more manageable when you have a good partner? Grab the new salesperson at another station in your cluster (preferably targeting females) and go in on a two-station buy. Work with any B2B rep and exchange leads. Join a leads club. Focus on who, not what.  

H ave gratitude. A more positive attitude will come over you when you consider what is going right, not wrong. Johns Hopkins University claims that even if you have a family history of heart disease, a positive outlook reduces your chances by 25%. In other words, bad ratings may mean lower rates. 

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A llow yourself the luxury of time. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Put in the preparation, and you will feel so much better about not winging it in your next presentation.  

N ever quit trying to find solutions. Instead of playing the blame game when something doesn’t work at the station or with a client, focus on solutions.  Focus on the outcome you want, not the shitty hand you have been dealt. 

K now when to stop asking questions. For most of my life, I have been the person who asks questions and controls the conversation. I have surrounded myself at times with clients who like to hear themselves talk, and I have had my unfair share. I need to control the conversation better and give them a chance to speak after answering some questions that lead to a sales opportunity. I then need to take my turn and explain how my solution fits their needs. 

S erve yourself first. Do you put off getting massages, going to the movies to see what YOU want, or negotiating a better commission percentage? Stop it and take care of YOU. 

G ive thanks to all your support staff. We indeed are only as good as the backroom people. Listen to how coaches stroke support staff at their weekly press conferences in college football. We can learn something from that.    

I nvolve your friends and family in your career. Give them a chance to help you. Ask them for introductions and leads. Make sure they know what you do and what type of clients you are looking for. It shouldn’t be too hard since you should only have 18 prospects anyway.  Let them know how they can support you, ask, and you shall receive. 

V acation! Have you planned one lately? Make it a goal to plan a weekend getaway and one major vacation. Plan every detail. Start savoring your victory dance. Visualize it. See yourself on vacation, at goal, and enjoying the fruits of your labor. 

I nvest in yourself. Commit to attending some online seminars. Learn more about digital. Get Google certified. Go back to grad school, be an adjunct professor at the local junior college, or join toastmasters. Remember this: If you aren’t EARNING or LEARNING, you are wasting your time.  

N ever say never. Don’t burn a bridge. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Keep an open mind and don’t take things personally. People and situations change. Be the person who takes the higher road and doesn’t say hurtful things.  

G ive your partner, wife, or significant other a break. Please show them some gratitude for allowing you to spend so much time on your career. You make that choice every day. And, giving up an hour or 2 per week to do something for them goes a long way. 

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Jeff Caves
Jeff Caves
Jeff Caves is a sales columnist for BSM working in radio and digital sales for Cumulus Media in Dallas, Texas and Boise, Idaho. He is credited with helping launch, build, and develop Sports Radio The Ticket in Boise, into the market’s top sports radio station. During his 26 year stay at KTIK, Caves hosted drive time, programmed the station, and excelled as a top seller. You can reach him by email at or find him on LinkedIn.

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