Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


After Years Of Planning, The BSM Podcast Network Is Finally Becoming A Reality

Jason Barrett and I have been kicking around the idea of launching a podcast network for a while now. Our hold-up was always two-fold. First, did we have the right people and second, what were the topics and ideas that would best serve the industry and fit with the overall vision and direction of Barrett Sports Media.

If you checked out the site yesterday, you know we can happily say that we have cracked that code! The BSM Podcast Network is on the verge of becoming a reality with new shows The Sports Talkers and Seller to Seller set to join Media Noise in the coming weeks, as are revivals of older shows The Jason Barrett Podcast and The Producers Podcast.

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I have been working with JB for four years now. I have loved and learned every day I have been a part of this company. Still, by the end of last year, I knew it was time for some kind of change.

Moving from covering the news of the industry to leading our podcast network gives me some flexibility. I can still enjoy the influence and relationships I have built in the sports radio world while flexing my creative muscles a little more.

The opportunity and the vision we outlined were fantastic. Add to them the talent that is going to be a part of this, and it felt like the right path forward for me at this company.

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The Sports Talkers Podcast will be hosted by Stephen Strom. Stephen is an up-and-coming broadcaster in South Florida. He already does work for the Miami Heat’s radio crew and calls basketball games for Nova Southeastern University. He has a passion for this business that both JB and I recognized from the second we got on the phone with him.

On top of that, he has the right combination of curiosity and fearlessness to make this show successful.

His show will feature conversations with stars in our industry. They can come from TV or radio or any of the many digital platforms that exist now. They can be legends. They can still be finding their way.

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The idea is simple. Everyone came from somewhere and the story of that journey can help someone.

“I want to squeeze every last ounce of information and advice I can get from these guys and gals to help myself and others,” Strom said.

Brady Farkas is a talented young broadcaster in a small market. That means he has had to wear many different hats and has served as his own producer a number of times. He takes over The Producers Podcast.

“I really look forward to highlighting the work of producers around the country,” he said. “Being a producer means different things in different places and I’m excited about learning about those distinctions — and the evolution — of the position.”

It’s an interesting time in the industry to revive this show for sure. What have the pandemic and the cost of doing business done to support staff around the industry? What will it do in the future?

Brady will highlight some of the most talented “guys behind the glass” in our industry, but he also won’t be afraid to ask the tough questions about where are we headed and what needs to change.

Finally, Seller to Seller will feature Jeff Caves. The former PD and seller at 93.1 The Ticket in Boise has been with us since 2020.

Jeff has a passion for two things: selling and learning. If you have read any of his columns, you know he is a guy that is always reading and asking questions about what we can do better. That is the kind of mind that is going to make a sales podcast fit with the BSM brand.

“The best information is first-generation, the kind never before reported,” Caves said. “My guests will give us the insight behind the curtain of sports radio selling – how it is different today and what future opportunities look like.”

I love this company and the people in it. JB has been not just a mentor, but a valued friend and ally. Building something like this together under the BSM umbrella means the world to me.

When we announced the addition of Arky Shea as the night editor of the site, I got a few texts and emails asking if I was okay and what it meant for me. For the most part, I kept my mouth shut other than to say “I’m fine.”

Here we are, a little over a week later and I can tell you that I am more than fine. We added Arky to make it possible for us to turn the BSM Podcast Network from a possibility into a reality. I am rejuvenated and I am excited for you guys to hear these shows.

“Servant leadership” has been overused. For some, it has become meaningless as every coach, preacher, and politician tries to package their thoughts as business advice.

For me, that phrase and the idea behind it still have a lot of meaning. The best leaders are the ones that look at their people and ask “what can I do for you?” or “how can I make you better?”. I truly believe we embody that here at Barrett Sports Media. That is why building this podcast network took as long as it did and why I promise you, the wait will have been worth it!

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