Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Glenn Beck: ‘Why is Journalism Now A Crime to Journalists?’

The fallout from the interview by Tucker Carlson with Russian President Vladimir Putin continues, with Glenn Beck noting that he finds humor in the reaction.

Beck welcomed Carlson to his BlazeTV program to discuss the interview. Before Carlson joined the program, Beck questioned why the response to the former Fox News host’s interview was as swift as it was.

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“The news was actually kind of hilarious and it still is. Take any war in history, I don’t care with whom or which leader. Any journalist worth their salt, they’d be chomping at the bit to interview the leaders on both sides, but not this one. Why?,” Beck questioned. “Why is journalism now a crime to journalists?

“There’s been something that the media has now forgotten. Maybe the governments have never known it. But it is that open and free dialogue is the foundation for free society. It is also the foundation that peace can be built upon. Talk with everyone. You don’t have to trust them, even like them, but talk to them, understand where they’re coming from. It’s all very basic. And if anyone currently is criticizing Tucker for interviewing a person who is the leader of the country, we’re currently involved with a shadow war, well, maybe you should just ask Tucker.”

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