News Talk Radio Talent Always Need to be Working the Room

I get it, most of us got into radio because we had a difficult time interacting with people.


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I recently walked into a business that touts that they are locally owned and operated. I was the lone customer when I walked in and started to look at their products. My reason for going in was that I wanted to purchase an item that this locally owned and operated business sells. The owners and/or employees didn’t greet me. It was a silent place with no music or activity. I walked around the store for 5 minutes without being welcomed and decided to leave and go to a big box store to purchase what I was after.

I came to the realization that I have observed radio personalities and staffers do exactly the very same thing. Every business or radio station depends on people using their products. We must always be working the room. Smiles, handshakes, introducing yourself, and listening to people.

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I get it, most of us got into news talk radio because we had a difficult time interacting with people. That microphone allows us to communicate with thousands of people. We share our innermost thoughts. We often say things that we have never told our spouses or partners. It’s like a confessional or seeing a psychiatrist.

Many of us are not naturally outgoing. In the beginning of my career, the sister FM station to the AM juggernaut that I worked for had a standard policy. No public appearances. It was to keep the mystery of radio. Well, that doesn’t wash anymore with social media, cameras in the studio, and websites. We are public personalities twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year. So, here are my thoughts:

If a listener ever greets you, take time out for them. It won’t be long and listening to them makes you a hero. After the passing of Joan Rivers, David Bernstein (Joan’s PD at WOR Radio.) gave an interview to Mike Gallagher of Salem Media Group. David said that Joan would put down everything to spend time with a fan. Joan’s priority was the person who greeted her. This is such a lesson.

For the uninitiated, Joan Rivers was a major comic for decades. She sold out big rooms until her passing. Joan knew the score. Everyone is important. When you make your listeners your priority, you will be praised forever. We have all met celebrities at the radio clusters that we have worked at. I had two negative experiences that I have told repeatedly. I certainly have praised famous people that I have met, but, I have told more people about the negative experiences.

Now, as we are entering the 3rd decade of the Selfie in a few years, your interactions are more important than ever. You should request a selfie with your fan. Ask them if you can put it up on your station’s Instagram account and Facebook page. This is for a couple of purposes. You will not only display that you are in the community, but you will also create a post that automatically will be shared from your radio station’s social media accounts. There is so much goodwill in that small gesture.

If you meet a listener who disagrees with you, which is scary for many hosts, interact with them. Listen. Thank them for speaking with you. This is always a win.

Ok, this suggestion is next level stuff. You are having dinner with friends, and you notice someone looking at you. Wave to the individual. Yes, I said wave. If you are walking into a restaurant and you notice that you are recognized, go up to them and say, “Hi.” You don’t necessarily need to introduce yourself right away. But if the person is a fan… You can build a more powerful relationship with that listener and their immediate circle of friends and acquaintances. I get it. We all want to get away and not be a public personality all the time. If you want privacy, get food to go and eat with your friends at your home.

Do you speak with your neighbors? Do you greet them? At a prior hosting job, I lived in a subdivision. I do normal things. I mow my own lawn, walk my dog, and wave at everyone. If a neighbor is going to the mailbox, say hi. I guarantee you that every person in my neighborhood knew who I was.

It was essential that I be the nicest man on the block. I failed on one thing though. If I’m not working, I dress down. I heard this anecdote from Gene Simmons who says ‘you are a star whenever you leave your home’. I should have dressed the role more, and lived like a celebrity every moment. Be presentable. You are representing yourself, the station, and advertisers every day.

Invest in yourself. I get it that radio station budgets for promotional gear have almost evaporated. You need to toot your own horn. Get pens to hand out with your name and station logo to listeners. Pay for them yourself. Leave them places. To foster Listen-Focused Experiences… Be everywhere. I get it, we are naturally shy beasts. Make appearances, even if it is for a short time. Do your social media videos from the events. Post reels, go live on the station’s Facebook page. 45 minutes, every weekend will allow you to appear engaged with your community.

If you are an air personality, you want to be considered essential. This starts with making sure that advertisers and listeners have positive experiences with you.

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