Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Heath Evans Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations

Heath Evans was amongst the men fired by the NFL Network in the wake of settling the sexual harassment lawsuit brought by former employee Jami Cantor. He denies the allegations and took to Twitter to post a five part defense and screenshots of a text exchange between himself and Cantor.

Evans claims he and Cantor engaged in “a mutual flirtation” and sent each other “pictures of a sexual nature”. None of that is included in the message exchange Evans provided on Twitter.

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He claims that he offered evidence of his innocence to the team leading the NFL Network’s investigation, but they told him it wasn’t necessary. After the NFL settled the lawsuit for more than $11 million, Evans was allegedly asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement and told he could craft his own statement about his exit. Evans says he refused because he wanted to defend his reputation.

You can read his full description of the events below.

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Interestingly, Evans claims to have information about other women being sexually harassed on a daily basis at the NFL Network. It is not provided in the above tweets and Evans doesn’t say why not, but he did respond to a statement that the NFL Network gave to Pro Football Talk. The statement to PFT reads:

“Heath’s employment was terminated as a result of his own misconduct – which he freely admitted to on Twitter today,” NFL Network said in a statement. “Before severing its relationship with Heath, the NFL carefully considered all of the circumstances, including the information that Heath provided. In the end, the NFL concluded that his conduct was not acceptable in our workplace and we stand by our decision to terminate his employment.”

Evans retweeted the article before responding.

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Evans’s ominous threat of “more truth to come” is unclear, but it looks like he is getting ready for a long fight with his former employer.

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