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8 Rules For Cold Call Success

Our perceptions of how to be successful at sales are our reality. But, what are the facts about what is working for a cold call? How about in follow-ups and sales training? Whether you are new or old in this business, I have found some inspiration in what Brian Williams, a former University of Georgia professor, now a sales consultant, has to say. The Brevet Group has some great facts to keep in mind about our sales profession. I found these 8 to be the most helpful. I have added my thoughts on how we can make this work in radio.

Brian Williams - Sales Enablement PRO

#1 The best time to cold call is between 4 pm-5 pm. 

I have thought this through many times and try to place myself in the clients’ shoes. I am not a big fan of Monday morning or Friday afternoon cold calls. People’s minds are elsewhere. Some experts think Thursday is the best day to prospect, followed by Wednesday. I also tend to lean more on cold calls after 10 am, allowing clients to get their day started with their tasks. I have had success with cold calls later in the afternoon after clients have worked their day through and are maybe even looking for something to do for the next few days or bring to a staff meeting with them.

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Our new sales promotion could be the trick. Remember, smile and dial.

#2 80% of sales require five follow-ups after the meeting. 44% of sales reps give up after one follow-up call.


The best way to make sure you stay on the hunt is to make sure the idea is perfect for the client! You will stay on top of an excellent idea way more diligently than a lukewarm idea. 

#3 You are unique. Only about 2-3 million of us sell B2B.

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Take pride in it. If we do our job well, we save our buyers time by finding solutions or opportunities for them. Sell those first, and your passion will come with it. 

#4 In a typical firm with 100-500 employees, an average of 7 people are involved in most buying decisions.

Ensure you package your one sheet with some bullet points that your ad buyer can use to sell upstream. They are going to have to do your selling for you. Help them help you! Ask about who else will see this and get a sense for how your buyer feels about it. 

How to Make Better Purchase Decisions
Courtesy: Shutterstock

#5 Salespeople who actively seek out and exploit referrals earn 4 to 5 times more than those who don’t.

With some of our station groups, we can now sell ads all across the country. If it will work in Detroit, why wouldn’t it work in Chicago or New York? Some of the best sales I have made were rinsed and repeated. Only 1 out of 10 salespeople even bother to ask for referrals. 

#6 Almost half of us aren’t appropriately trained or don’t have the skills to make it.

Bet on yourself. Do training on your own if you don’t like what is provided by the station. Investing in you is the best investment you could ever make.

With continuous training, you could make 50% more money. If you don’t like to train to get better, get out. Sell something you love to learn about. 

#7 Give yourself a year.

The 2nd time around, representatives will be better at seasonal selling, sales contests, etc. New reps will take at least ten months to be fully productive. Older reps who are getting more involved in digital sales may take the same amount of time. Make a plan and stick to it. 

 #8 Retaining current customers is 6 to 7 times less costly than acquiring new ones.

7 Advice for Attracting and Retaining Customers for your Brand | Growth  company, Custom printed boxes, Sales strategy
Courtesy: Medium

Don’t ignore those clients who are best for you. Be proactive in everything you do for them. We will all lose about 30% of our billing each year, always be prospecting! Call them, email them, THANK THEM! 

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Jeff Caves
Jeff Caves
Jeff Caves is a sales columnist for BSM working in radio and digital sales for Cumulus Media in Dallas, Texas and Boise, Idaho. He is credited with helping launch, build, and develop Sports Radio The Ticket in Boise, into the market’s top sports radio station. During his 26 year stay at KTIK, Caves hosted drive time, programmed the station, and excelled as a top seller. You can reach him by email at or find him on LinkedIn.

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