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CNN Anchor John King Reveals He Has Multiple Sclerosis

CNN anchor John King shared personal news on his program “Inside Politics,” stating to the audience that he has multiple sclerosis. During a segment in which King discussed the death of former Secretary of State Colin Powell due to complications from COVID-19. 

Despite being vaccinated for the virus, Powell was immunocompromised following multiple myeloma cancer diagnosis. As a result, King decided to inform his pannel and audience that he was also immunocompromised.

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“I’m going to share a secret I have never shared before. I have multiple sclerosis. So I’m grateful you’re all vaccinated,” King said. “I don’t like the government telling me what to do. I don’t like my boss telling me what to do,” King said. “In this case, it’s important.” 

King continued by saying he’s grateful CNN had a vaccine mandate. The anchor states that he worries about catching the virus due to his medical condition and is concerned for his “10-year-old son, who can’t get a vaccine.”

During the discussion, King also went after those who are using the death of Powell to question the vaccine. Recently, Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier also did her best to play damage control for those pushing vaccine hesitancy following Powell’s death. 

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“While you can see people all over social media trying to use this anecdotal report of Secretary Powell dying from a COVID breakthrough, why don’t we just stick with what we do know, and we’ll leave it with that?” Saphier said. 

“We have an 84-year-old man who suffered from Parkinson’s disease, had been previously treated for prostate cancer, and was also undergoing treatments for multiple myeloma, as Jennifer mentioned. That is a cancer of the blood.”

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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