#87 Colorado Springs
A good month for rock.
Classic Rock KKFM 6.8-6.8
Heritage Rocker KILO 5.9-6.3
Country KCCY posts a nice gain 3.5-4.6
#90 Madison
Classic Hits WOLX hits a three-month high 7.4-8.3
Classic Rock WIBA-FM is flat and holds on to second 6.1-6.0
The University of Wisconsin’s Classical WERN is third 6.3-5.2
#101 Mobile
Urban remains in the top two spots with WDLT back in double digits 9.7-10.2
WBLX 8.3-8.4
AC WMXC drops 6.1-5.4
#105 Wichita
Country KZSN 6.8-6.7
AC KRBB 4.9-6.0
Country KFDI jumps 4.9-5.6
#109 Toledo
AC WRVF enjoys a holiday bump 7.9-9.2
Country WKKO off 8.6-8.1
Top 40 WVKS off half a share 7.0-6.5
You can dive deeper into each market on Barrett Media’s ratings page. Powered by Harker Bos Group.
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