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Tyler’s Take: DawgNation Daily

Title: DawgNation Daily Episode 610

Date: December 29th, 2017

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Length: 42 minutes

Host(s): Brandon Adams and contributor Seth Emerson

Extra: You can listen and subscribe to this podcast on ITunes

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As I’m writing this, my journey is underway to Los Angeles to cover my first Rose Bowl. In case you aren’t aware of the glorious game of college football, Oklahoma and Georgia will square off in Pasadena for a spot in the national title game. During my trip, I was curious what the Georgia perspective on the matchup might be. That’s when I stumbled upon the DawgNation Daily podcast. In reality, there are a lot of podcasts out there that focus on the Georgia Bulldogs. So, why did I choose DawgNation Daily? The answer: They made the decision for me.

I really appreciate the art of a good tease. Especially when it comes to the competitive world of podcasting. Your product may be good, but if there are several others like it, a crafty and creative tease creates downloads. As I scrolled through Georgia football podcasts, there was DawgNation Daily staring at me in face with a description that read ‘An Oklahoma defensive star said something a lot of UGA fans won’t like.’

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Perfect tease. Now, not only am I curious to see what comment was made, but I also want to hear what the response from Georgia fans is. Granted, I soon found out DawgNation Daily has an impressive track record with a large following, but from someone who was just casually scrolling to find a podcast, that tease was a huge reason why I eventually settled on their product.

The format of this podcast is done extremely well and resembles one you’d find on any successful radio show. There’s not a lot of meaningless banter to begin the episode, instead host Brandon Adams jumps right into his opening thought. He’s very well-spoken, has creative topics and carries the podcast at a good pace. By the three-minute mark, Adams is already into the subject that was teased on the podcast description. I loved that. Give me what I came for in the opening minutes. If I like it, I’m more likely to stick around for the remainder of the podcast.

I’m a big proponent of using audio clips throughout a show. Though I liked Adams’ delivery and pace, when you’re hosting a segment alone, audio clips benefit both you and listener. It can help transition into a smooth Segway, as well as give the listener a useful response from a coach or player. By keeping the audio under 30 seconds, it keeps the pace and flow of the podcast strong. Unless it’s a live press conference, one of my biggest pet peeves in radio is running multiple minutes of audio without interruption. Adams is a pro and realizes how and when to use audio in the show. Though, the volume could have been louder at times, it was still loud enough for the listener to understand what was being said.

After 15 minutes of good topics and discussion with Adams, the podcast took a turn and featured an interview with Seth Emerson. Again, the topic and discussion was really good. It’s easy to fall into the same, boring talking points that have been discussed ad nauseam for the past month. Being creative and coming up with new content keeps your listeners engaged and I thought Adams excelled at this throughout the entirety of the podcast.

Final Thoughts:

I got exactly what I was looking for with DawgNation Daily. Judging by the podcast’s large following of fans, I bet they come away as happy as I did. Most importantly, I can appreciate any podcast that takes the time and resources to go above and beyond. It can be easy to cut corners with a podcast, and I’ve listened to several that do, but DawgNation sets the standard for any podcast that focuses on a single team. Not only do you know the level of product you’re getting, but you also know when to expect each episode to drop. Judging by their recent history, you can hear a new podcast every weekday. You can make yourself a part of someone’s everyday life if you’re consistent and make it worthwhile to the listener. Georgia football looks like it may take a rocket ship to the top among the peer programs in college football. With the foundation they’ve already laid, DawgNation Daily is in an excellent spot to capitalize off that momentum.

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Tyler McComas
Tyler McComashttp://
Tyler McComas is a columnist for BSM and a sports radio talk show host in Norman, OK where he hosts afternoon drive for SportsTalk 1400. You can find him on Twitter @Tyler_McComas or you can email him at

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